Cuyuna, Minnesota – Still Mining Gold From Bikers
Making Use of an Old Mine Backstory Cuyuna, Minnesota, a once depressed mining town until they found their creative city
Cuyuna, Minnesota, a once depressed mining town until they found their creative city niche. Cuyuna was founded as an iron mining town in 1910 by Cuyler Adams. By the 1960’s the mines were closed and filled in with water. After economic struggle and hardship, Aaron Hautala, a marketing professional, and other local leaders started rethinking their position.
Cuyuna is 20 minutes from Brainerd and 2 hours from the cities, perfect for tourism. “What else do we have”, they thought. Flooded mines, great hiking terrain, and natural beauty which points them towards outdoor tourism. Outdoor tourism is a broad category with many different subgroups, they still needed to find the right creative city niche.
The real genius of Aaron Hautala and taking on a creative city niche is that he is able to spread his message to a select, target-able group of individuals. Hautala had the ability to start a few places. He needed to be cost efficient because a dying community doesn’t have extra money lying around.Trails are cheap to build and maintain. By creating a system of trails and making them for mountain bikes he creates a self-spreading message. Mountain bikers are always looking for the next and coolest places to ride. By making that place Cuyuna, you only need to get a handful of mountain biker there before everyone is coming. Mountain bikers all know each other and tend to ride in groups. Since you are providing an in demand service to a close knit group of people who are all looking for your service, the message will spread itself.
Making mountain biking trails instead of walking trails has helped the long term success of Cuyuna tremendously. Since mountain biking tailors to a younger crowd more than does walking, there is more likelihood of a younger person moving to town because of the niche they picked. Attracting workforce age people helps add to crow wing county and Cuyuna. A creative niche also helps keep people in small towns. It adds something for residents to be proud of and provides a community activity for young people.
Younger people are generally more willing to take larger risks as well. This is perfect, if you have an economy strongly structured around one interest, niche entrepreneurs will move in. For example, Cuyuna has bike races, mountain biker hostel, bike rental and repair shops. The economy continues to grow because of a targeted creative niche.
The economy continues to grow even past expectations. More and more canoe and kayak rentals have been seen and talks of creating system of paddle boat routes as well. Centering on one niche can be dangerous for the long term development and stability of an economy but if a creative city niche is developed successfully, it should bloom other niches around it. Keep an eye on Cuyuna, their community will continue to more and more towards outdoor recreation.
By making their no name town one that competes on a global scale in having some of the best mountain bike paths, it puts Cuyuna on the map. Creative city niches work. Leavenworth, WA dressed their town up like a Bavarian village and now attracts true Bavarian to live there. Las Vegas has some of the most outrageous casinos,hotels, restaurants, and shows in the world all because of some gangster niche marketers. Consider creative niche marketing for your city to revitalize it. Try to put your town on a global level of competition to draw recognition, visitors, and immigrants to revitalize your economy.
Making Use of an Old Mine Backstory Cuyuna, Minnesota, a once depressed mining town until they found their creative city
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