Crazy Horse - The Next Major Wonder Of The World.

Crazy Horse. Where to start… The sheer immensity of the project and statue itself makes this post a big undertaking…

Crazy Horse, Future Wonder

Wonder Status

Crazy Horse is going to be the next major wonder of the world. A wonder that will last for centuries and barring terrorism or other man made destructive force, should last for millenias. This is the equivalant of the pyramids of Giza. Even the Colusseum, as great as it truly is, I don’t think could last another millenia. Think aout that. 30 Generations of people have lived since the colusseum was built. If Crazy Horse could last for 2 Milennial like the Pyramids are on track to, South Dakota will have made itself an unlimited resource for 2000 years.

I mean it should last, They are carving a mountain into a man on a horse.  That will last a while.


Currently, Crazy Horse sits at less than 20% complete but in ticket admissions alone pulls in 3.8 million dollars in revenue a year from ticket admissions.1.2 million people stopped in to see Crazy Horse last year which gives the town and park a chance to make money and capitalize.


  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Hotel
  • Motel
  • Bed and Breakfast
  • Niche Tourist Shop
  • Native American Entertainment

Because of Crazy Horse, every single one of these businesses has a better chance of succeeding in their businesses because there simply is more money to go around. People want to come to see Crazy Horse, this is an optional life expenditure so they have disposable income. Give tourists a way to spend money and they will!


New Possible Industries:

Bear with me as these are spitball ideas

Native American Footer Wear

Make comfortable durable footwear for the outdoors – like you may see at a renaissance festival.

  • Locally sourced leather
  • Locally crafted
  • Locally Retailed or Sold Online

A whole vertically integrated industry with almost self explanatory sales pitch and higher perceived value.

“Vision Quest” and Spa

Take part in native american rituals to “center” yourself, get rid of bad energy, and pamper yourself at a spa. Something like this could easily attract the Yogi/Hippie types!

  • Sell herbal remedies
  • Spa services
  • Books on the practices
  • Outdoor yoga sessions

The outdoors and native american themes are present around Crazy Horse, why not share your traditions of health and let others learn and enjoy?

Native Customary Lifestyle Exhibits

A walk through of how local people lived and in what conditions. How you how to identify flint, make bows and arrows,, make traditional shelters of various local people, and how to identify local edible plants. It could even extend to cooking and demonstrations.

  • How to Classes
    • Shelter Building
    • Bow and Arrow
    • Identifying Minerals
    • Identifying Plants
    • Drying Leather
    • Native Cooking
    • ect.
  • Glamping with native shelters
  • Native Cookware sales.

Hooking people’s interest in “what it could have been like” give you a chance to sell them on the opportunity to really learn and understand what it would have been like. This is done by giving them an experience and then let them buy something more to remember the experience by. Most museums do have gift shops at the exit…

Crazy Horse is going to be built. The money is coming from private funding. As a people around Crazy Horse, people should be ready to capitalize on the well over 1.2 million people that will visit after it is completed.