The audit starts with collecting marketing materials for your town. This is even before we arrive in your town. We want to see through the lens of someone looking to move there or visit!
Step 2 is coming to the city and visiting for week. Eating in town, enjoying the sights, looking at downtown economic centers, and general quality of life. We are looking to experience the town without being treated special. You won’t even know we are there.
We want to check out the local sights like any tourist would. We will grab brochures, follow street signage, and use the internet to find interesting things to do.
Historic Sights
Local Recreation
Indoor Activities
Business Operating Hours
Visitor Information Availability
Retail Signage
Customer Service (Retail)
Public Art
Outdoor Dining
Attractions mix
Evening Activities
Diversionary activities
Cultural activities & Facilities
Hidden Gems
Pedestrian Accessibility
Ple Banners
Here we look at residential living. The quality of life. Are there parks, libraries, paths, community activities, housing, ect. Let’s analyze your community!
Residential Audit:
Pedestrian Accessibility
Water Features
Public Art
Gathering Places
Internet Accessibility
Recreational Activities
Primary draw/opportunities
Facades and architecture
Brands and perceptions
Curb appeal
Community maintenance
Beautification (Public access areas)
Visual Cues/First Impressions
Residential Neighborhoods Prices, Mix, Availability
Lets look at the econimc centers of business and the business mixes available to residents and the area.
Business & Downtown Audit:
Safety factors – day & night
Access and egress from highways
Overall quality (Retail business mix)
Brands and perceptions
Linkages: Activities & Amenities
Supporting services/amenities
Parks and public spaces
Primary draw/opportunities
Cross-Selling Ability
Supporting Vendors
Evening Activities
Retail Beautifiction
Critical Mass/Clustering
Outdoor Dining
Pedestrian Accessibility
Business Operating Hours
Customer Service (Retail)
Exterior Retail Displays
Sandwich Boards
Temporary/portable signs
The third step is to give a presentation of suggestions that could help your town from tourism to residential mixes, to downtown’s and business mixes. The aim here is to build some early momentum and get the community moving. This presentation is meant to be given Friday or the following money to get and keep momentum.
Each presentation aims to give 20-80 recommendations mixed with a healthy mix of examples showing why suggestions are being made.
After giving the speech in the following weeks, a written document will be sent. This destination assessment will give each suggestion a written element to review after the presentation is done and shared around the community.
This document can be referenced in the coming changes and creates a fundamental, foundational pieces of any communities plan.